I saw this on Pinterest somewhere, and I thought it was a neat and easy DIY. So here is my spin on it! :)
I started with a plain frame from Michael's.
I painted the outside of it with some acrylic paint diluted in water, and I used a sponge to get it to the right color and texture I wanted.
I picked some pretty scrapbook paper and drew the frame with a pencil lightly and cut out the frame .
After my paint was dried, I used Mod podge, a light coat all over the front of the frame and then applied the paper that I had cut out, I made sure to smooth out the paper so that there weren't any bubbles or bumps on it. With my x-acto knife I made sure to trim out the edges if there was paper sticking out.
I also used some more of the paint and gave a little more paint on the edges to give it that antique look.
Final result: